Student Attainment


​Inclusive Education does not belong within a discrete department, it is an integral part of a College-wide approach to teaching and learning.  Inclusive practices draw from an interactive and collaborative culture to grow the engagement, progress, achievement, and well-being of each and every one of our students.  

The focus of the Student Attainment Department at Mary MacKillop College is addressing student achievement and maximising learning progress.  Rather than using deficit data to focus predominantly on inputs, we use student attainment data to direct a responsive approach.

A high-quality Curriculum is delivered in fully mainstreamed learning environments, supported by reasonable adjustments and evidence-based teaching strategies.  

MacKillop women are encouraged to be resilient and self-directed, so we actively support students to have a voice and to take agency in their learning. Consultative partnerships exist with students, parents, caregivers, external agencies, and system personnel to ensure learning attributes are identified, and that all views are considered in collaborative decision-making.   

Staff members provide targeted assistance to progress student learning.

This assistance includes:
  • Overseeing Education Adjustment Processes for Verified and NCCD-registered students.
  • Providing in-class support
  • Providing training in the use of Assistive Technology
  • Providing coaching and assistance with time management and organisation
  • Providing Homework Help in the library after school
  • Supporting the English language needs of students with English as an Additional Language or Dialect
  • Discerning appropriate provision of access arrangements and reasonable adjustments for assessment and exam conditions

​​©Brisbane Catholic Education, Mary MacKillop College (2022)