Mary MacKillop College proudly celebrates and cultivates its connections and relationships with individuals, communities and organisations stretching far beyond the gates of the school. We do not exist in isolation but rather in a rich web of inter-relationship. We actively create and cultivate partnerships that stimulate formation and learning.
Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart
The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart are affectionately known as the Josephites or the 'Joeys'. We are about 886 Sisters living and ministering throughout Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Peru, East Timor, Scotland and Brazil.
From the beginning we have lived among people, sharing daily life and responding to the needs of the day. Held in God’s hospitable heart we draw strength to respond to places of violence, fear and insecurity in our world, the places of incompleteness and limitation in ourselves.
As we walk as one with people and with trust in God’s Providence we listen again and again for the cry of the poor and respond revealing the hospitable heart of our God. (Ref. 25th General Chapter).
Association of Josephite Affiliated Secondary Schools (AJASS)
The Association of Josephite Affiliated Secondary Schools (AJASS) is an independent association of Josephite affiliated secondary schools which were formed in 2006. Mary MacKillop College, Nundah is proudly a member of AJASS. Principal, Christine Clarke, is a member of the AJASS National Executive.
Currently AJASS membership extends to more than 30 Josephite affiliated secondary schools from across Australia and New Zealand.
The Association aims to embrace, extend, strengthen and perpetuate the charism of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop in schools which identify with her vision and spirit. By sharing ideas, events, and gatherings, schools that are part of the Association endeavour to develop and grow in the Josephite spirit. AJASS holds regular gatherings and meetings and an annual conference as well as maintaining contact through interschool activities and support.
A structure Joseph Julian and Mary MacKillop (JJAMM) provides leadership training for the student leaders in the AJASS schools to help develop the MacKillop spirit in these young people. In their own schools they hold a JJAMM week where they share the agreed focus with the whole school.
The figures in the icon reflect the form of the Josephite symbol. The 3 figures represent the schools and Josephites working together to support the students (centre figure).
These groups join together to support the messages of Christ (symbolised by the crucifix).
The colours chosen stand for the black and brown Josephite communities and blue to show how this relationship works in harmony.
Brisbane Catholic Education

Brisbane Catholic Education is committed to high quality teaching and learning for more than 70,000 young people enrolled in our schools and colleges from Prep to Year 12.
Mary MacKillop College is one of 137 schools within the Archdiocese of Brisbane founded on Christ and at the service of students, families, society and the Church – teaching, challenging and transforming.
Alliance of Girls’ Schools
Mary MacKillop College is a member of the Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australasia. The Alliance is a leading voice for the advancement of Girls’ education. It advocates for and supports the distinctive work of girls’ schools in their provision of unparalleled opportunities for girls.