
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Mary MacKillop College is governed by the Archdiocese of Brisbane - Brisbane Catholic Education. BCE relevant policies are available on the BCE Policies tab on the above menu. 

Further specific MMC Policies and Procedures include the following;

Brisbane Catholic Education Safeguarding Policy Framework - cli​ck here

Brisbane Catholic Education Volunteer Code of Conduct - click​ here

​Mary MacKillop College Anti-Bullying Policy - clic​​k ​here

​Mary MacKillop College Attendance Procedure - cli​ck here

Mary MacKillop College Caregiver & Community Code of Conduct​ - ​​​​​​​click​ h​ere

Mary MacKillop College Child and Youth Risk Management Policy - cli​ck ​h​ere​​​​

Mary MacKillop College Computer Agreement - clic​k here​​

Mary MacKillop College Fee Policy - click h​ere​​

​Mary MacKillop College Planned Leave Policy - click ​​here

Mary MacKillop College School Camera Surveillance Policy - cli​​ck ​here

Mary MacKillop College SMART Device Policy - click ​here

Mary MacKillop College Student Behaviour Support Plan - cli​c​k​ here​​​

Mary MacKillop College Student, Parent & Guardian Complaints Management Procedure - click here​

Mary MacKillop College Student Driver Policy - cl​i​ck h​ere​​​

​Mary MacKillop College Sunsafe Policy - click ​here

Mary MacKillop College Traffic Management Plan - click​ here​​​

Mary MacKillop College Uniform Policy - clic​k​ h​ere

Mary MacKillop College Whole School Curriculum Plan - click here ​ ​​