Welcome to the Mary MacKillop College community. I hope you find our website reflects our values, culture, and welcoming learning environment.
Rich in history and tradition, MMC was established in 1964 and is grounded in the Catholic tradition, especially the teachings of Mary MacKillop, Australia's first saint. Our motto, “My Faith is My Light", is central to College life where our values are steeped in Josephite traditions. We pride ourselves on partnering with you, to holistically educate your daughter and ensure that she is empowered to be the woman of tomorrow.
The staff at the College are passionate about providing an education for your daughter to thrive and flourish in a caring, safe environment while being willing to take risks with her learning. Honouring the uniqueness of every individual and grounded in a culture of welcome, we know that success looks different for everyone, and we are committed to helping all our students realise their full potential. Our educational belief encourages students to be curious about their passions and to seek out challenges. We believe it is our duty to develop your daughter holistically and equip her with the skills necessary to build critical and creative thinking to better understand and positively contribute to society.
Our Wellbeing4Learning program, grounded in positive psychology and restorative practices, ensures that students are ready to learn with their dedicated teachers within a rigorous academic program that is student-centered and personalised. Our passionate teachers know the importance of building positive relationships with their students, as girls thrive when strong partnerships are made between the school and home.

There are so many opportunities for our MacKillop Women to flourish: through an extensive sporting program; Music, Drama, Art, Film, and TV programs; our STEAM initiatives, to debating and technology opportunities. We know that girls are motivated to succeed and at MMC each student will feel secure to build self-belief and confidence and thrive in a wholistic educational environment that will equip her to make a difference in the world.
The size of our school enables your daughter to 'be known by name' and the education provided at Mary MacKillop College will see her thrive and flourish in a caring, safe environment, allowing her to step confidently into the world.
We would be deeply honoured to walk with you and your daughter through her secondary schooling and adolescent years, and we look forward to partnering with you as she flourishes in confidence to become a remarkable MacKillop Woman.
I invite you to come and experience our College and encourage you to arrange a tour with our Enrolments Officer.
Erin Wedge, College Principal
MRE, MEdLeadership, MArts (Theol), GradDip Arts (Theol), BEd, BTeach.
©Brisbane Catholic Education, Mary MacKillop College (2024)